Irish Stew

Teresina Flynn

Bowl of Irish Stew

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Serves 6. Heat your (fan) oven to 150°C. Prep time: 30 minutes. Cooking time: 3 hours.


  • 4 tbsp rapeseed oil
  • 2 Kg lamb neck | trimmed of fat and chopped into chunks
  • 2 large white onions | cut into eighths (or brown onions, but not red ones)
  • 4 large carrots | peeled and cut into chunks
  • 1 medium parsnip | peeled and cut into chunks
  • 2 stalks celery | cut into chunks
  • 1 ℓ lamb or beef stock
  • 1 Kg medium white potatoes | peeled and quartered
  • 2 tbsp salt (see tip)
  • 1 tbsp fine-ground white pepper
  • handful of parsley

Have your butcher break or saw the bones in the neck, as it takes skill and the right tools. The pieces should be up to about the size of a large coffee mug.


  1. Heat the oil in your largest saucepan, add the lamb neck, and fry until it starts to brown on all sides, turning with a slotted spoon.

  2. Remove the lamb neck to a large casserole and fry the onion in the oil remaining in the saucepan. After a few minutes, add the carrots, parsnip, and celery and fry for another few minutes.

  3. Add the vegetables to the lamb in the casserole and use the stock to deglaze the saucepan, then into the casserole. It should cover everything (if not, add a bit more water or stock).

  4. Put on the lid, put into the oven, and leave for two hours.

  5. After two hours, add the , check there is still enough liquid, stir, and put back into the oven for another hour. If it seems to be drying out, add some water.

  6. After the hour, check that the meat is very tender and sliding off the bones. If not, give it another hour.

    Add salt and pepper to your taste.


  • Serve from the dish, scattered with the parsley.

Any timings underlined in red are in addition to the preparation time (eg waiting time)

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