Beetroot carpaccio

Carpaccio de betteraves


Carpaccios of foods other than beef and veal are becoming very popular, and beetroot, with its even texture and rich flavour, makes it a good choice, especially paired with a cheese cream. This mix came from L'APPART' Côté Terre in Tours, where it was very welcome during the canicule of 2022.

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Serves 4. Prep time: 20 minutes.


  • 4 large beetroots | cooked, peeled, and very finely sliced
  • 2 tsp walnut oil (or other nut oil)
  • ½ tsp balsamic vinegar
  • ½ tsp lemon juice
  • 1 pink onion
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp muscovado sugar [optional]
  • 200 g creamy goat cheese | any rind removed
  • 50 g double cream
  • 1 tsp fines herbes [traditionally a mix of chervil, tarragon,chives, and parsley]
  • ¼ tsp white pepper


  1. Cook the beetroots thoroughly, leave to go cold, and then peel and trim (or buy the ready-cooked ones in a vacuum pack).

  2. Slice the beetroots very thinly, no more than 1mm thick, almost translucent. This is best done with a mandoline to keep the slices even.

  3. Make a dressing of the walnut oil, vinegar, and lemon juice and carefully brush a tiny amount on the slices of beetroots. Leave them to marinade for a few minutes while you prepare the onion and cheese.

  4. Slice the onion very finely and cook in a pan with the olive oil until it caramelises and goes sweet and dark. Add some sugar if needed (see tip).

  5. Whip the cream until very thick, then carefully combine with the cheese, fines herbes, and pepper.

  6. Arrange the slices of beetroot on each plate, overlapping in a circle so they form a flower pattern. If there is any marinade left, brush it over the surface of the slices to make them glossy.

  7. Spoon the cheese and cream mixture into the middle of the slices of beetroots or pipe it as a rosette.

  8. Add the onion mixture on top.


  • Serve with thin slices of brown bread, crusts removed.

Any timings underlined in red are in addition to the preparation time (eg waiting time)

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Created August 2022. Last updated 4 Jan 2023 (Identified the restaurant)