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Adam Retter writes:
XML Slack Workspace
There's a new Slack Workspace for the XML Community
announced with a link in an article on
This is a vendor independent workspace, hosted by
Lauren Wood and, and
equally open to XSLT, XQuery, XForms, or whatever X
technology. (Thanks to
Debbie Lapeyre for the
Online, there's the XML Specification
and the ancillary documentation available from the W3C; Robin Cover's
Cover Pages with an extensive list of online
reference material and links to software; and a summary
and condensed
FAQ from Tim Bray; and thousands of
reference resources available by typing
‘xml’ into Google or other search
For offline resources, see the lists of books, articles,
and software for XML in Robin Cover's XML
Cover Pages (articles and books). That site should
always be your first port of call for archived resources.
For access to experts, particularly in consultancy and
training, see the XML
Guild, whose members form a consortium of some of
the best independent XML consultants in the world.
The events listed below are the ones I have been told
about. Please mail
me if you come across others: there are many other
XML events around the world, and most of them are announced
at conferences, on Twitter, and on the mailing lists and
This list covers conferences and meetings in the field
of Markup, mainly XML but including some non-XML events in
closely-related areas (eg LATEX, Markdown, etc).
UpcomingMarkup- Digital Humanities Summer Institute
The Digital Humanities
Summer Institute (DHSI) is an annual digital
scholarship training institute that is organized for its
community by the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur
les humanités numériques (CRIHN) and takes place at the
Université de Montréal campus.
DHSI brings together faculty, staff, and students from the
arts, humanities, library, and archives communities as well as
independent scholars and participants from areas beyond. It
provides a community-based environment for discussing and
learning about new technologies and how they influence
teaching, research, creation, and preservation in different
- MarkupUK 2025
2025, although primarily related to
XML, covers all forms of markup. We are
looking forward to meeting you on June 5–7 2025 at King's
College, London.
(From 2022, Markup UK and
XML Prague are held in alternate years)
- Balisage 2025
Balisage is
the premier conference on the theory, practice, design,
development, and application of markup. We solicit papers on
any aspect of markup and its uses, including
XML, XSLT, xQuery,
JSON, LATEX, Markdown, and many others.
The conference will run from 4 to 8 August, and will be
virtual again this year, so local watch-parties are
- XML Summer School 2025
Summer School runs at St Edmund Hall, Oxford, from
Sunday 14th to Friday 19th September 2025. The week-long event
is made up of courses which range from a primer in XML and a
hands-on Introduction to more advanced topics like XForms in
Action and XSLT and XQuery.
Type- DANTE 2025
The 66th annual spring meeting of the DANTE
(German-speaking TEX
Users Group) will take place at the Hochschule Darmstadt (
on 3–5 April 2025.
- BachoTEX 2025
In Bachotek, Poland, 30 April to 4 May 2025. For details see
The jubilee, thirtieth BachoTEX conference is dedicated
to using TEX in and for education. Though TEX is known and
used in Poland at academia, especially in STEM, for more than
thirty years it still is a niche tool at lower levels of
education. The aim of this year’s conference is to look at how
TEX may be used to support education processes in different
contexts: pupils at various levels, teachers, authors of
curricula, school management or persons less obvious in this
context such as carers of special interest groups and others
involved in school’s life.
- TUG 2025
TUG 2025 will take place in Trivandrum, Kerala, India,
hosted by TEXFolio (thank you!), from July 18–20 (Fri–Sun),
2025. Conference information and the registration form are now
available: The
venue is the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Trivandrum:
The TUG bursary is available for those needing financial
assistance to attend the conference:
A visa will be needed by most participants coming from
outside India; it's advisable to start that process as soon as
possible. The conference committee is happy to provide
invitation letters and any other assistance; you can email us
- ConTEXt 2025
The 19th International ConTEXt
meeting will be held on August 22–29, 2025, in
Chmielno, Poland.
Done and dustedMost recent first- Declarative Amsterdam 5
The sixth edition of Declarative
Amsterdam will take place on 7 and 8 November 2024 at
the Science Park, Amsterdam. It will be a hybrid conference
with the opportunity to attend live or online, for both
attendees and presenters.
Declarative techniques are a style of computing that
expresses the purpose of computation without describing its
control flow. It allows you to focus on the ‘what’, rather
than the ‘how’.
- TEI Conference 2024
The Text Encoding
Initiative represents the accepted standard
XML format for literary and historical
texts in the Humanities. The TEI 2024
Conference will be held in the Universidad del
Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina from 7-11 October 2024.
Pre-conference workshops will run on the 7-8 October, with the
conference opening and running for the 9-11 October.
- XML Summer School 2024
Summer School runs at St Edmund Hall, Oxford, from
Sunday 15th to Friday 20th September 2024. The week-long event
is made up of courses which range from the basics of XML to
advanced topics in linked data, web design, and
- ConTEXt 2024
The 18th International ConTEXt
meeting will be held on August 17–23, 2024, in
Lutten/Hardenberg, The Netherlands.
- Balisage 2024
Balisage is
the premier conference on the theory, practice, design,
development, and application of markup. We solicit papers on
any aspect of markup and its uses, including
XML, XSLT, xQuery,
JSON, LATEX, Markdown, and many others
(paper submissions due 5 April 2024). The conference will run
from 29 July to 2 August, and will be virtual again this year,
so local watch-parties are encouraged.
- TUG 2024
Following the very successful online meetings of past
years, the TEX
Users Group 2024 meeting will take place at the Hotel
Grandior in Prague (Czech Republic) on July 19–21, with Tom
Hejda leading the local organization. Full details are at There will be a
LaTeX developers' workshop on July 18; the topics will be
around tagged and accessible PDF, as with last year.
- XML Prague 2024
XML Prague
2024 will take place 6–8 June 2024 in the University
of Economics, nam. W. Churchilla 4, 130 67 Prague 3, Czech
Markup UK
and XML Prague are held in alternate years, at this year it’s
XML Prague’s turn. We are looking forward to meeting you in
June 2024 in Prague and in 2025 in London.
- Annual conference of the Association of European Printing
Museums 2024
“Printing Museums and the Arts of Survival” – from 23rd to
25th May 2024 the TYPA centre in Tartu, Estonia is hosting the
annual conference of the Association of European Printing
Museums (AEPM) which brings together print museums, print
artists, researchers and enthusiasts from across Europe and on
a global scale. Over three days conversations, lessons and
exchanges will contribute to the active survival and exchange
of knowledge in the field of graphic heritage.
- Typefi Pacific User Group 2024
Typefi is hosting a free virtual event on 28 February at
1pm AEST for those in Pacific time zones. Visit the Typefi
website to register.
This list covers training events and resources in the
field of Markup, mainly XML but including some non-XML
events in closely-related areas (eg LATEX, Markdown,
- Processing Your XML/TEI with the XML Family of Languages
Elisa Beshero-Bondar and David Birnbaum teach this course
at DHSI Week 1
(May 26-30) in Montreal. Early bird
registration ends March 31. This hand-on
course teaches you how to navigate and process XML
using tools designed for the purpose–XSLT, XQuery, and
- Character and higher-level encoding
The Sanskrit Library offers a course, “UT102. Character
and higher-level encoding.” A prerequisite is advanced
competency in Sanskrit, fluency reading Devanagari script, and
regular access to a computer and basic computer use skills.
Date and time: 9–11am US Central time, 20 January – 4 May
2024, except 23 March. See
- The Complete XML Developer
The Complete XML Developer runs from 26 February to 1st
March and covers XPath, XSLT, XQuery, and XML Databases. It is
taught in-person, and attendees will follow a hands-on
approach to ultimately develop a complete XML Application over
the course of the week. The full course outline is available
and the sessions are held at the Wellcome Collection, Euston
Road, London.
- Delightful Computing
Courses are live but online, or can be on site for a
course with a venue available and at least six
XSLT: Two to Three - three intense days covering the
differences in XPath and XSLT since version 2. Now
includes some notes on XSLT 4.
XSLT Booster - for people who have used XSLT 1 but not
2, or who are rusty on XSLT 2, this gives a one-day or
half-day step up.
CSS for XML People - three days, topics include CSS
for Print, CSS for Web, Web accessibility, and
Custom (bespoke) courses, e.g. introductions to DocBook or
to XSLT, can be half-day up to a full week.
Discounts for advance booking, for more than three people
from the same organisation, and yes, barefoot discount, since
people always ask for it! on request.
- XML for Humanists
Consulting and training in XML technologies for digital
humanists and librarians. Events can be scheduled on request
to David Maus at Digital Humanities Publishing