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The XML FAQ — Frequently-Asked Questions about the Extensible Markup Language

Section 5: Appendices

Q 5.1: References

There is a much larger XML and SGML bibliography at

This list covers only documents directly referenced in this FAQ.


  1. Bray, Tim; Jean Paoli; CM Sperberg-McQueen; Eve Maler; and François Yergeau [editors] (2004) Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0, Boston : W3C.
  2. DuCharme, Bob (1999) XML: The Annotated Specification, Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN 0-13-082676-6.
  3. Ensign, Chet (1995) ‘If SGML Is So Smart, How Come It Ain't Rich?’. In Proc. SGML'95, Boston, MA, December 1995.
  4. Flynn, Peter (2014) Formatting Information: An introduction to typesetting with LATEX, Cork, Ireland : Silmaril Consultants.
  5. Flynn, Peter (1998) Understanding SGML and XML Tools, Boston, MA : Kluwer, ISBN 0-7923-8169-6.
  6. Flynn, Peter (1995) ‘Making more use of markup’. In Proc. SGML'95, Boston, MA, December 1995.
  7. Lamport, Leslie (1994) LATEX: A Document Preparation System, Reading, MA : Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-52983-1.
  8. Maler, Eve and Jeanne el Andaloussi (1995) Developing SGML DTDs: From Text to Model to Markup, Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN 0133098818.
  9. McGrath, Seán (1998) XML by Example: Building E-Commerce Applications, Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall PTR, ISBN 0139601627.
  10. Pawson, Dave (2002) XSL-FO: Making XML Look Good in Print, Sebastopol, CA : O'Reilly, ISBN 0-596-00355-2.
  11. Salminen, Airi and Frank Tompa (2001) ‘Requirements for XML Document Database Systems’. In Proc. ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Atlanta, GA, November 2001.
  12. Sperberg-McQueen, Michael and Lou Burnard [editors] (2002) ‘Gentle Introduction to XML’. In ‘TEI P4: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange’, Oxford, Providence, Charlottesville, Bergen : Text Encoding Initiative Consortium.
  13. Truss, Lynne (2003) Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero-Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, London : Profile Books, ISBN 1-86197-612-7.