Gebratene Leber

Marx Rumpolt from Marx Rumpolt: Ein new Kochbuch, 1581. Chapter 3, Vom Mundkoch.

Marx Rumpolt (1525–1593) was head cook to the Elector of Mainz, Daniel Brendel of Homburg. His cookbook, ("A New Cookbook"), written in 1581, was the first textbook for professional chefs in training.

Before Rumpolt came to the court of the Elector of Mainz, he worked for several other European nobles and thus came to learn of the cuisines of different regions, such as Bohemia and Hungary. A year before the death of his master, the Elector of Mainz, Rumpolt wrote his cookbook, which consisted of 2,000 recipes and instructions for wine making and 150 woodcuts by Jost Amman.

Rumpolt's cookbook was, like all cookbooks for that period, intended for aristocratic kitchens only.

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5. Gebratene Leber.


  • 500 g veal liver
  • 1 ℓ water | hand-hot
  • 1 veal stomach
  • 3–4 slices white bread | warmed
  • 150 ml chicken stock
  • 25 g root parsleys | grated and cooked in the stock


  1. Nim̄ die Leber
  2. vnnd quell ſie in heiſſem Waſſer
  3. buꜩ ſie fein ſauber auß
  4. vnd ſteck ſie an ein holꜩern Spieß
  5. ſampt dem Ma‧gen
  6. leg ſie auff ein Roßt
  7. vnd brat ſie geſchwindt hinweg.


  1. Wenn du ſie wilt anrichten
  2. ſo nim̄ gebehte Schnitten drey oder vier in die Schüſſel
  3. geuß darein ein gute Hennenbrüh
  4. mit Petterſilgen Wurꜩel geſotten.


  1. Und wenn du haſt angerichtet
  2. ſo leg ſie auff die Brüh
  3. ſo iſt es gut vnd zierlich.

Descriptions from the TEI header

Original source text


Not ready for publication


Additions to the TEI P5 element type 'material' were made by copying the list and other entity declarations, plus the attribute declarations, from the ℞ recipe.dtd. Additions to the 'objecttype' element type were made to enable identification of equipment (suggestion by Elisa Beshero-Bondar).

In translation, the Method reads

  • Take the liver
  • and rinse it in hot water
  • cleaning it well out
  • and stick it on a wooden skewer
  • along with the stomach¹
  • lay it on the griddle
  • and quickly grill it off
  • When you are ready to serve it
  • lay 3–4 slices of toasted bread on the plate
  • pour over a good chicken stock
  • steeped with root-parsley
  • And when you have everything prepared
  • lay it [the liver] on the stock
  • so that it is good and dainty

¹ Caul?


Marx Rumpolt: Ein new Kochbuch, 1581. Chapter 3, Vom Mundkoch.


The virgules (/) of the original printed edition have been treated as activity separators in the Method

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