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The XML FAQ — Frequently-Asked Questions about the Extensible Markup Language


Copyright © 2010 Silmaril Consultants, version 5.10 (28 April 2013)

The following people helped with the original contributions, plus many other members of the W3C XML SIG as well as FAQ readers around the world.

Terry Allen, Tom Borgman, Tim Bray, Robin Cover, Bob DuCharme, Christopher Maden, Eve Maler, Makoto Murata, Peter Murray-Rust, Liam Quin, Michael Sperberg-McQueen, Joel Weber.

Tips, nuggets of information, corrections, or the right phrase at the right time came from (among others, in document order):

Peter Flynn, Andrew Watt, Gianni Rubagotti, J-P Theberge, Murata Makoto, William Hammond, Mike Brown, Bertilo Wennergren, Bob DuCharme, Peter Murray-Rust, Max Dunn, Bill Rayer, David Brownell, Richard Lander, Mike Kay, Randall Fowle, James Anderson, Joe Fawcett, Tad McClellan, Mary Brady, Carmelo Montanez, Jon Noring, Seán McGrath, Marc Hadley.

Other ‘good guys’ get referred to here and there: they run web sites, do translations, write documents or code, maintain software, and generally contribute to the XML effort: thanks to all of you:

Karin Driesen, Abass Alamnehe, Murata Makoto, Jaime Sagarduy, Kangchan Lee, Jiang Luqin, Jacques André, Miloslav Nic, David Megginson, Robin Cover, Joe English, Tim Berners-Lee, Steven Pemberton, Dave Pawson, Sebastian Rahtz, John Haynie, Rick Jelliffe, Mike Brown, James Clark, Richard Tobin, Eve Maler, Bart Lateur, Ronald Bourret.